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Nouvelles à propos de Donostia San Sebastián Turismoa et ses partenaires

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English newsletter

News about Donostia San Sebastián Turismoa and its partners

Boletín de noticias en español

Noticias sobre la Sociedad Donostia San Sebastián Turismoa y sus empresas asociadas


The personal data provided on the form appearing in the Donostia San Sebastián Turismoa website will be processed by this body according to the stipulations of the Personal Data Protection Act (Organic Act 15/1999, of 13 December).

The user authorizes Donostia San Sebastián Turismoa to process the details provided and to add said details to its automated files. These files are administrative in nature and are used to send you newsletters and to send out Donostia San Sebastián Turismoa communications.

The user accepts that their details may be passed on for the purposes of providing corporate services strictly limited to the circulation of business-related information and can exercise their right to access, rectify, oppose and/or cancel said details, either by contacting San Sebastián Turismo S.A. (Boulevard 8, 20003 Donostia/San Sebastián, Gipuzkoa), or by writing to